Friday, November 29, 2019


TUGAS PENGANTAR DEMOGRAFI PIRAMIDA PENDUDUK KABUPATEN PATI TAHUN 2005, 2010, 2015 DAN ANALISISNYA -9525271145 Oleh : Mohammad Ammar Alwandi (16.9277) Piramida Penduduk Laki-laki/Perempuan Menurut Kelompok Umur 5 Tahunan dan Jenis Kelamin Kabupaten Pati Piramida Penduduk Laki-laki/Perempuan Menurut Kelompok Umur 5 Tahunan dan Jenis Kelamin Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2005 Tabel 1.1 PENDUDUK KABUPATEN PATI MENURUT KELOMPOK UMUR DAN JENIS KELAMIN TAHUN 2005 KELOMPOK UMUR LAKI LAKI PEREMPUAN JUMLAH (1) (2) (3) (4) 0 - 4 51590 48886 100476 5 - 9 56610 53749 110359 10 - 14 58315 55457 113772 15 - 19 61726 58679 120405 20 - 24 51097 54361 105458 25 - 29 49071 53259 102330 30 - 34 49495 54022 103517 35 - 39 49157 51608 100765 40 - 44 44013 42315 86328 45 - 49 34332 31379 65711 50 - 54 24598 27342 51940 55 - 59 22518 24919 47437 60 - 64 20403 24604 45007 65 - 69 14740 18586 33326 70 - 74 9697 12229 21926 75 + 6799 9311 16110 JUMLAH 604161 620706 1224867 Sumber : Pati dalam Angka Tahun 2006 BPS Kab. Pati Gambar 1.1 Piramida Penduduk Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2005 Piramida Penduduk Laki-laki/Perempuan Menurut Kelompok Umur 5 Tahunan dan Jenis Kelamin Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2010 Tabel 1.2 PENDUDUK KABUPATEN PATI MENURUT KELOMPOK UMUR DAN JENIS KELAMIN TAHUN 2010 KELOMPOK UMUR LAKI LAKI PEREMPUAN JUMLAH (1) (2) (3) (4) 0 - 4 47078 44203 91281 5 - 9 49852 47557 97409 10 - 14 52631 50185 102816 15 - 19 49052 48582 97634 20 - 24 37515 42458 79973 25 - 29 43262 49539 92801 30 - 34 45182 49233 94415 35 - 39 43252 47189 90441 40 - 44 44554 49083 93637 45 - 49 42505 45153 87658 50 - 54 37267 37101 74368 55 - 59 28126 26024 54150 60 - 64 18403 22170 40573 65 - 69 15735 19891 35626 70 - 74 11965 17055 29020 75 + 11748 17443 29191 JUMLAH 578127 612866 1190993 Sumber : Pati dalam Angka Tahun 2011 BPS Kab. Pati Gambar 1.2 Piramida Penduduk Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2010 Tabel 1. 3 PENDUDUK KABUPATEN PATI MENURUT KELOMPOK UMUR DAN JENIS KELAMIN TAHUN 2015 KELOMPOK UMUR LAKI LAKI PEREMPUAN JUMLAH 0 - 4 46954 44355 91309 5 - 9 48764 46351 95115 10 - 14 49461 47899 97360 15 - 19 49918 49124 99042 20 - 24 43518 45975 89493 25 - 29 39247 43811 83058 30 - 34 41595 46957 88552 35 - 39 44293 48735 93028 40 - 44 44978 48861 93839 45 - 49 43858 47790 91648 50 - 54 40260 42350 82610 55 - 59 34365 34941 69306 60 - 64 25661 27486 53147 65 - 69 17380 21271 38651 70 - 74 12602 16953 29555 75 + 14460 22739 37199 JUMLAH 597314 635598 1232912 Piramida Penduduk Laki-laki/Perempuan Menurut Kelompok Umur 5 Tahunan dan Jenis Kelamin Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2015 Sumber : Pati dalam Angka Tahun 2016 BPS Kab. Pati Gambar 1.3 Piramida Penduduk Kabupaten Pati Tahun 2015 Analisis Piramida Penduduk Analisis Menurut Bentuk Piramida Pada tahun 2005 piramida penduduk di Kabupaten Pati berbentuk Constrictive. Bagian dasar piramida kecil dan sebagian besar penduduk masih b erada dalam kelompok umur muda. Dari piramida di atas dapat diketahui bahwa pada masa lalu angka kelahiran tinggi namun proporsi penduduk yang dapat hidup terus ke usia dewasa dan menjadi tua lebih sedikit. Pada tahun 2010 badan piramida mulai menggembung, hal ini menandakan bahwa Infant Mortality Rate (Angka Kematian Bayi) sehingga bayi lahir dapat bertahan hidup sampai dewasa . Selain itu Fertility dan Mortality Rate menurun jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2005. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari semakin berkurangnya penduduk di kelompok umur 0-4 dan bertambahnya penduduk di kelompok umur 75+. Jika ketiga piramida dibandingkan, maka dapat dilihat bahwa tiap tahun Fertility dan Mortality menu run. Hal ini bisa diamati pada piramida tahun 2015 yang menggembung dibagian badan piramid. Dengan demikian ada pertambahan penduduk usia tua. Hal yang menarik disini adalah dalam kelompok usia 20 - 34 cenderung mengalami penurunan tiap tahun. Kejadian ini diakibatkan banyak penduduk yang bermigrasi ke kota lain untuk mencari pekerjaan ataupun untuk mengenyam pendidikan (berkuliah). Menurut BPS Kabupaten Pati pendapatan utaman daerah ini adalah pertanian . Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, para pemuda di Pati kurang

Monday, November 25, 2019

Endurance and Flexibility Essays

Muscular Strength/Endurance and Flexibility Essays Muscular Strength/Endurance and Flexibility Essay Muscular Strength/Endurance and Flexibility Essay Muscular strength and endurance are measures of muscular fitness. Muscular strength is the maximal force generated by a specific muscle or muscle group at a specified velocity. Muscular endurance is the ability to maintain a submaximal force (i.e pushup tests). Muscular strength tests can be divided into 2 basic types. Dynamic strength the force generated by concentric, eccentric, or isokinetic contraction (i.e. 1 repetition maximum). The speed of movement is often not controlled in these measurements. Static strength measures the force generated by muscles during an isometric contraction. During an isometric contraction there is no shortening of the muscle and no joint movement.Muscular fitness testing is plagued by problems of standardization techniques to quantify muscular fitness due to types of muscle contraction (concentric vs eccentric), changes in force with respect to joint angle, and speed of contraction. The National Strength and Conditioning Associ ation (NSCA) and American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) have tried to address these problems by standardizing muscular strength tests. However, the present normative and standard data relating to muscular fitness are invalid, unreliable and/or outdated.A new approach to assess muscular fitness and endurance is isokinetic testing. Isokinetic testing can be used to assess muscular strength through a range of motion at a constant velocity. The equipment measures rotational force, torque, generated. Torque refers to a rotational force that is applied about an axis. It is equal to the force applied to lever and measured in foot-pounds or Newton-meters.Torque = Force x lever arm distance (units are Ft-Lbs or Nm)The ability to generate muscular force is dependent on the velocity of the contraction (Figure 1). The greatest force a muscle can produce is at low velocities. Therefore, as velocity increases the amount of force generated is decreased. This relationship is also related to the power (F x D/T) whereas: low power is generated by low force and high velocity: moderate velocity and moderate force generate greatest power: and low velocity and high force generate the low power (Figure 2). At low velocities (30-60à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ per sec), isokinetic testing can measure strength (force). At moderate velocities, it can assess muscular endurance (ability to sustain contractions) and at high velocities it can quantify muscular power (force generated over time).Figure 1: Force versus velocityFigure 2: Power versus velocityAthletes with higher percentage of type II fibers are able to generate more force at higher velocities (power) versus those with slower type I fibers. Also the fatigue rate during repetitive contractions at certain velocities can be used to indirectly determine fiber type distribution. Humans with a greater percentage of type II fibers (fatigue prone) will have a greater fatigue rate than type I fibers (fatigue resistant). It also appears that muscle c an be trained (specificity of training) to generate more power at higher velocities. In most team sports, power is the most crucial variable in terms of explosive athletic performance but is often ignored by coaches and athletes.Another important component of physical fitness testing is flexibility. Flexibility is the maximum ability to move a joint through a range of motion. Flexibility is dependent on a number of factors including muscle temperature, muscle blood flow and prior exercise. It is also dependent on physical activity and age. Physical activity appears to be the most important determinant of flexibility. Physical inactivity results in the shortening of connective tissue and results in the loss of ROM about a joint. Age also plays a factor due to loss of elastic properties of the connective tissue and decrease in physical activity. However, flexibility can be improved due to physical inactivity and/ or age with a flexibility exercise program.Flexibility is specific to th e movement of the joint. Therefore, flexibility in one area does not represent whole body flexibility. Flexibility can be measured by a number of means including goniometers, flexometers, and inclinometers which measure the ROM. The most popular flexibility measure in the health and fitness setting is the sit and reach test. The sit and reach test measures the flexibility of the trunk indirectly by measuring how far one can reach while sitting down. It is often used to assess the potential for lower back pain but research indicates it correlates poorly with low back flexibility. The rationale for this is unproven and has not been demonstrated (ACSM, 1995)The purpose of this laboratory is to become familiar with testing of muscular fitness (muscular endurance, static and isokinetic) testing and become proficient in measuring lower trunk flexibility.Procedures:Muscular FitnessIsokinetic (Lido)1) Isokinetic testing will be performed on all subjects at speeds corresponding to 60, 180 an d 240 degrees per sec2) Each individual will perform 3-5 maximum knee extension contractions at the various speeds3) Record your peak torque for each three speeds: slow (60à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½), moderate (180à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½) and fast (240à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½)4) Record values on board for each individualStatic Strength (hand dynamometer)1) Isometric hand grip strength will be administered2) Adjust hand grip width of the hand dynamometer so it fits comfortably.3) Have the subject stand erect with arms relaxed and by the sides4) Place hand dynamometer in hand with dial facing outward5) Have subject squeeze hand dynamometer as hard as possible while keeping the arm immobile6) Repeat 3 times record best effortDynamic muscular endurance (push up test)1) For males, assume standard push up position with back straight, head up, hands placed shoulder width apart2) Place your fist on the floor below and count the number of repetitions performed by the number of times the chest touches your fist3) For females, mo dify the standard push up position by having them kneel with their knees bent at 90à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ with ankles crossed.4) There is no criteria for completing a push up do not place hands below chest5) Count the number of consecutive repetitions performed without restFlexibility Modified sit and reach1) Perform a moderate warm-up2) The test should be performed with a smooth movement and during exhalation3) Have subject remove shoes and sit with back flat against a wall4) Place the end of the sit and reach against their feet5) The heel should be placed about 10-12 inches apart and feet should flat against the side of the sit and reach box6) Have subject reach as far forward with back flat against wall record the position with a meter ruler as zero7) The participant should slowly reach forward with the hands parallel and reach as far forward as possible with minimal discomfort. Be sure to keep hands on yardstick and knees stay extended.8) The maximum reach as measured by the ruler is the score. Repeat test 3 times. The best trial is used to assess the individual flexibility9) Make sure to instruct the patient to not hold breath or not to stretch to where it is causing undue pain.10) Refer to table for normative data.Data Analysis1) Make a table of all your results and compare them to norms.2) When appropriate interpret absolute and relative norms3) Graph the peak torque versus speed for the isokinetic testDiscussion (Please read Ch 7 8 , pages 150, 399-402)1) Which test measures muscular fitness the best? Are the values for each muscular testconsistent? Why? Can muscular fitness be assessed by one test?2) Based on your graph, at what velocity do you develop the most force? At this velocity doyou also reach peak power? Why?3) How would you use this knowledge to train an athlete competing in a team sport? You canchoose any team sport to answer this question.4) How much potential does a sprinter have who can run the 100 yd dash in 17.0 secs? Why?What sport might this individual excel at? Why?5) Is the sit and reach test a valid measure of your flexibility? Why is stretching an important component of an exercise program? Are there other ways to improve your flexibility without stretching?

Friday, November 22, 2019

Is America a False Hope for Transexuals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Is America a False Hope for Transexuals - Essay Example We see that while doing this, the issue becomes very tricky indeed. It is unusual for one who hails from the continent of Asia to refer to him/herself as being "Asian," but rather to identify him or herself as Japanese, Thai, Indonesian, etc. Similarly, we are led to question if a transsexual does not prefer to be more specific about his or her identity as a transsexual. Go to Wikipedia, and you will be inundated with a huge variety of external links, each one catering to a very specific type of transsexual. We see sections devoted to "trans men to women," "trans women to men," and "trans youth." In spite of the ridicule surrounding the phenomena of transsexuals, (and there is no question that this ridicule does in fact exist) we find many sophisticated medical journals either devoted to or featuring information on this topic, such as "The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association's Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders," "The Gender Trust - The UK Charity f or the support of trans individuals, their friends & family, employers and professionals," " Definition and Synopsis of the Etiology of Adult Gender Identity Disorder and Transsexualism as published by the Gender Identity Research and Education Society." (Wikipedia, under the term "Transsexual.")In order to really see the issue of transsexuals, their place in our society and how the majority of Americans regard them, we need to first dispel certain myths about them. How do transexuals view themselves What do they have to say"A transsexual is a person in which the sex-related structures of the brain that define gender identity are exactly opposite the physical sex organs of the body. "Gender and Sex are very separate things, though the terms are often considered interchangeable by the less aware. Sex is physical form and function while Gender is a component of identity. There can be considered to be some legitimate overlap in that the brain is structured in many sex-differentiated ways, and the brain is the seat of identity."A transsexual person, born to all appearance within a given physical sex, is aware of being of a gender opposite to that physical sex. This conflict, between gender identity and physical sex, is almost always made manifest from earliest awareness, and is the cause of enormous suffering. It is common for transsexuals to be aware of their condition at preschool ages." ( To further learn about the lives of transsexuals in America, we need to go to the source and take a glimpse at their situation and how they are treated by society. To really put things into perspective, it may help to start with the story of David Reamer. As an

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

E-commerce Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-commerce - Assignment Example 7. The former employee was the founder of the company’s email e-mail server, who arranged to have all the e-mails to the president of the company forwarded directly to him before his departure from this company. 8. In spite of being destroyed by fire, the accountant was succeeded to maintain his business because he had made electronic backup and put this in another off site file cabinet with other important files. He also arranged another accountant to hold copies of each other. 11. The unsuspecting victims often opt to pay to the extorter, otherwise the company’s computer system will be attacked by the extorter and sensitive file or child pornography will be spread out into the system by them. 12. To avoid the extortion, data access should limit to the specific person who got the proper permission to access. Additionally, proper investigation should conduct and any type of extortion should be reported. 13. The woman was prosecuted because she made numerous purchases, more than 50,000 dollars; by opening several unauthorized accounts through stealing customers account information from the company’s computer. 15. The consultants found in the Albany NY law firm in addition to a variety of vulnerability that the update had not been applied to the server, anti-virus had not been updated and license had expired. 16. In spite of not having enemy of small companies, they are being targeted by cyber attack day by day. This is because small companies are growing rapidly and having tremendous impact on business in today’s

Monday, November 18, 2019

American Popular Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American Popular Culture - Assignment Example Like in case of Star Trek (Put Locker 0:10), this fictional film gives visual as well as audio information about the story. The advent of movies and television has enabled knowing what is happening around us and in the whole world. The use of visual images in movies and television provides additional information not readily available through reading or listening to radio. Television and movies also brought new ways to understand surrounding environment and society (Kellner 1). Visual images from movies or television are good learning tools to some scholars Reading culture in America has reduced to some extent due to influence of television ad movies. Acquiring similar information such as those in novels is now possible through watching an entertaining movie. In the movies, stars usually portray a culture that we unconsciously follow and start practicing (Media Literacy Project 2). In music videos, a dance style by a musician such as Michael Jackson’s break dance has influenced the current dancing styles. Considering for example Jackson’s music video of Moonwalk (Slake 2:00) has been copied unconsciously by most individuals not only in US but also in other parts of the world. Listening to radio provided information about news or music but left room for imagination of how the environment and events taking place. Using visual images on television news provide the information of the scene and make one unconsciously think that they are in the same scene. This has in turn reduces the number of people listening to radio to get informed. After watching, the conversation also differs compared to those who previously listened due to involvement of visual information about the scene and characters involved. Dressing cord and hairstyles has changed over time depending on influence of the images on television and characters that movie

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Differences Between Qualitative And Quantitative Research English Language Essay

Differences Between Qualitative And Quantitative Research English Language Essay The aim of the dissertation is to examine the strategies construction professionals are adopting to survive the economic slowdown, particularly by seeking work overseas. At present construction professionals are forced to flee Ireland in order to survive this recession. This dissertation will examine the difficulties and challenges facing these construction professionals moving abroad and how they adapt to working in these foreign countries. The following report was undertaken in order to understand the processes involved with data collection and how to go about it in order to carry out the dissertation. The different types of data collection are explored and their advantages and disadvantages taken into account. This is attained through the critical analysis of qualitative and quantitative research, the different methods of data collection and the feasibility of each method. The positive and negative aspects of these research studies are explored to ascertain the benefits each would have in relation to the dissertation. For the benefit of this project and the chosen dissertation topic, I have chosen to research questionnaires, interviews and case studies. Quantitative Research Quantitative research sources hard and reliable facts on a topic area. Quantitative research is an injury into a social or human problem, based on testing a hypothesis or a theory composed of variables, measured with numbers, and analysed with statistical procedures, in order to determine whether the hypothesis or the theory hold true . (Naoum, 1998 p38) Qualitative Research Qualitative research sources opinions and perceptions on a topic area. Qualitative research†¦ emphasiss meanings, experiences (often verbally described), description and so on. (Naoum, 1998, p40) Quantitative versus Qualitative Research Quantitative research is used when finding out the facts of a concept, for example a question or an attribute. This research method is also used when collecting factual evidence. A study can then be made on the relationship of these facts in order to test a particular theory or hypothesis. Qualitative research is subjective in nature. In other words it has an emphasis on meanings, experiences and descriptions. Information collected in qualitative research can be either i) exploratory or ii) attitudinal. i) Exploratory Research This is used when the researcher has a limited knowledge of the topic. An example of exploratory research is the interview technique. The purpose of this type of research is the need for a clear and precise statement of the recognised problem. Exploratory research may be conducted for three interrelated reasons; diagnosing a situation, screening alternatives or to discover new ideas. Data provided is the words of those interviewed and what they have exactly said or a description of what has been observed. Examples of questions used in an exploratory search may be; Questions with the words What or How. Non-directional worded questions. Open ended questions. Questions that may evolve during the study. ii) Attitudinal Research Attitudinal research is used to subjectively evaluate the opinion, view or perception of a person towards a particular object. Opinion and views can be evaluated for the benefit of this study by using subjective questions like; Do you think moving abroad to seek employment is the key to survival? Please indicate which of the following is most important to ensure maximum motivation in workers†¦. Questions ending in please express your level of agreement. There is no correct or incorrect answer to these questions as they all require an individual opinion. In a quantitative study, the hypothesis is best understood when applied in a theoretical framework. A theory is used deductively and is placed at the beginning of a study. The objective is to then collect data and test it. The result of this data will then reflect on whether the theory was confirmed or unconfirmed. In qualitative research the use of theory is less clear because there is no standard rule of placement. The placement of theory will not be placed at the beginning of the study but closer to the end. A theory may emerge during the data collection or be used late in the research process as a basis for comparison with another theory. Quantitative and qualitative research can be compared using the analogy that quantitative research is taking into account the shape or design of an object where as qualitative research is living and feeling this object. Qualitative Advantages Provides depth and detail, looking deeper than analysing ranks and counts by recording attitudes, feelings and behaviours. Creates openness as it  encourages people to expand on their responses and can open up new topic areas not initially considered. Disadvantages Usually fewer people are studied as the collection of qualitative data is generally more time consuming than quantitative data collection. Because fewer people are generally studied it is not possible to generalise results to that of the population. Usually exact numbers are reported rather than percentages. It is difficult to make systematic comparisons for example, if people give widely differing responses that are highly subjective. Quantitative Advantages Allows for a broader study, involving a greater number of subjects, and enhancing the generalisation of the results. Can allow for greater objectivity and accuracy of results. Using standards means that the research can be replicated, and then analysed and compared with similar studies. Personal bias can be avoided by researchers keeping a distance from participating subjects and employing subjects unknown to them Disadvantages Collect a much narrower and sometimes superficial dataset Results are limited as they provide numerical descriptions rather than detailed narrative and generally provide less elaborate accounts of human perception The research is often carried out in an unnatural, artificial environment so that a level of control can be applied to the exercise. This level of control might not normally be in place in the real world yielding laboratory results as opposed to real world results In addition preset answers will not necessarily reflect how people really feel about a subject and in some cases might just be the closest match. The development of standard questions by researchers can lead to structural bias and false representation, where the data actually reflects the view of them instead of the participating subject. Both qualitative and quantitative research will be relevant to the authors dissertation. This will be displayed through the use of both factual evidence obtained from publications and further literature and also through interviewing those who have fled Ireland to seek work overseas. Analysis of Different Methods of Data Collection The approach one should adopt when conducting data collection should depend on the nature of the case study and the type of data and information that is required and available at that time. There are many approaches available to study however many require long periods of time and emphasise detailed evidence. There are two main sources of information: i) Primary Data ii) Secondary Data Primary Primary literature is the most accurate source of information as it publishes original research. (Naoum, 1998, p19) The primary data can be collected from past case studies, questionnaires, formal interviews and reports. Secondary Secondary literature sources are these that cite from primary sources such as textbooks, and newspaper articles. (Naoum, 1998, p22) The secondary data can be collected from textbooks, construction magazines and newspaper articles. Fieldwork Research Fieldwork research refers to the methods of primary data collection used by the researcher. Three practical approaches to Fieldwork are; i) The survey approach. ii) The case study approach. iii) The problem solving approach. For the benefit of the Authors dissertation we will now explore The Case Study, Interview and Questionnaire Approach as this holds the most relevance to the dissertation topic. Both the positive and negative aspects of each data collection method will be studied to ascertain the feasibility and benefits of the approach in relation to the final year dissertation. The Case Study Approach Case studies are used when the researcher intends to support the argument by an in depth analysis of a person, a group of persons, an organisation or a particular project. As the nature of a case study focuses on one aspect of a problem, the conclusion drawn will not be generalised but actually related to on particular event. Although the case study will only focus on one aspect of a theory, it will provide an in depth analysis on it. There are three types of case study designs; The descriptive case study. This is the concept of counting applied to a detailed case. The analytical case study. This is the concept of association and relationship applied to a detailed case. Analytical research means that an element that causes, affects or has an influence on another element has been identified. The element that does the causing is called an independent variable. The element whish is acted upon therefore, is called the dependant variable. The explanatory case study. This entails a theoretical approach to the problem. Linkages among the objects are shown. It also suggests that a single cause can have a specific effect. For example, the researcher collects facts and studies the relationship of one set of facts to another with the hope of finding a relationship between them. Case studies can be complimented by surveys carried out on situations where, how or why questions can be answered by a survey and/or a case study. Using these two approaches in correlation with each other will ensure maximum data is collected and examined more thoroughly. Rational A case study would be particularly relevant to the chosen dissertation. In order to carry out a case study for the dissertation, the author hopes to approach an Irish Company who has been forced to move abroad to analyse their current situation. Using a case study as the primary data collection method would be effective due to its examination of factual information. Questionnaire Method The questionnaire is one of the most widely used data collection techniques used for conducting surveys. It is most suited to a survey whose purpose is clear enough without elaborate explanation. The questionnaire is used for analytical and descriptive surveys in order to find out facts, opinions and views on the current affair in question. There are many advantages and disadvantages, aspects of both are listed below; Advantages: Economy; a questionnaire is an economical way to assembling as much information as possible in terms of finance, human and other resources as you are relaying the questions free of charge to someone in the know. Speed; questionnaires are a fast method of conducting surveys. However, time must be allowed for late returns. Consultation; when questionnaires are posted in advance of the interview, the person being interviewed has the opportunity to avail of information needed which they may not have been aware of previously without checking, in order to give an accurate response. Disadvantages: Must contain simple question; simple questions that are straight forward are necessary to follow easy instructions and definitions. Faults such as ambiguity and vagueness are common. Inflexible technique; mailing questionnaires to companies does not allow the opportunity for probing. All answers must be accepted as final and the opportunity to clarify ambiguity is lost. Accuracy; companies are likely to answer questions according to their public profile rather than the underlying corporate reality. No control over respondents; when posting a questionnaire there is no guarantee that the intended person completes the questionnaire. Rational Although there are many draw backs when using this method of data collection, there are also many positive aspects that it can contribute to the authors dissertation. For example, each questionnaire completed will be unique in both questions and answers. As a result of this, each questionnaire will be tailored made with an individuality in answers, which will help obtain maximum data with minimum effort. The Interview Approach The interview technique is a major method used to collect factual information as well as opinions of those with experience in the area of the chosen topic. It is down to the interviewer to evoke answers that are pertinent to the research hypothesis. The questions and their sequence wording define the structure of the interview. Interviews are suitable when; You know enough about your interviewee so the appropriate questions are asked in a suitable manner. Interpersonal contact is essential to explain and describe the questions. When the research requires an explanation as why the respondents are answering or feeling the way they do, i.e. the answer requires more than a yes/no/agree/disagree answer. There are many types of interviews, for example; formal/informal, inflexible/flexible, standardised and un-standardised, controlled and uncontrolled however the three interviews the author will focus on are; Unstructured, Structured and Semi-structured interview. Unstructured Interview This form of interview uses open ended questions. The questions are often pitched at a very general level so that the researcher can see in what direction the interviewee takes things in their response. This type of interview is generally conducted at the start of a case study as it is an exploratory exercise. It is usually conducted with qualitative research methods. There is no set order or wording of questions, there is no schedule and the researcher is not looking for the same information from each person interviewed. On completion of this type of interview, the researcher may have a list of many factors which should be examined through structure interviews and questionnaires. Semi-structured Interviews This is a more formal interview than the structured interview in that there are a number of specific topics around which the interview can be built. Questions will have open and closed ends, but the questions will not be asked in a specific order or to a schedule. In the semi structured interview, the interviewer has a great deal of freedom to probe various areas and to raise specific queries during the course of the interview. This is achieved by beginning the interview using indirect questions in order to build up a rapport with the respondent, then exploring the specific issues the interviewer has in mind. The task is to discover as much as possible about the specific issues related the subject area. Here are some common characteristics of the semi-structured interview; It takes place with a respondent known to have been involved in a particular experience. It refers to situations that have been analysed prior to the interview. It is focused on the respondents experiences regarding the situations under study. It proceeds on the basis of an interview guide specifying topics related to the research hypothesis. Structured Interview In the structured interview, questions are presented in the same order and with the same wording to all interviewees. The interviewer will have full control on the questionnaire throughout the entire process of the interview. In this technique the questioning may start with open ended questions but will soon move towards a closed question format. There are three assumptions of the structured interview; The respondents have a sufficiently common vocabulary so that it is possible to formulate questions which have the same meaning for each of them. That it is possible to phrase all questions in a form that is equally meaningful to each respondent. Each question and sequence of questions must be identical for each respondent. Therefore the advantages of the structured interview are that i) the answers can be more accurate, ii) The response rate is relatively high and iii) the answers can be explored with finding out why the particular answers are given. Rational The clear advantages that the interview technique has in relation to the dissertation is that the interviewer has a chance to listen to construction professional individual opinions, how the economy has affected them and their business and how it has changed their lifestyle by moving to a foreign country. This in depth analysis of answers from a broad range of respondents allows the researcher to gain a large volume of knowledge from many different perspectives. As the dissertation focuses on construction professional oversees, the author will carry out tele-conference interviews to gain an insight on how these professionals are adapting to working in foreign countries. Desk Study Research Desk study research refers to the methods of primary data collection used by the researcher.  It involves gathering data that already exists either from publications of governmental and non-governmental institutions, free access data on the internet, in professional newspapers and magazines, in annual reports of companies and commercial databases. In many projects, carrying out an initial desk research stage is strongly recommended for the dissertation to gain background knowledge to the topic. Proposed Research Sample The author intends to review previous case studies in relation to Irish construction companies relocating abroad. This is vital for the purpose of the dissertation in order to analyse how the companies are now doing, to determine the problems they have faced and to determine the differences from working in Ireland to working abroad. Below is an article which outlines the issues an Irish construction company may encounter when moving oversees. Conclusion The author has explained the differences between qualitative and quantitative research and these methods will be used for carrying out the dissertation. The author also outlined the various types of data research methods and came to the conclusion that fieldwork research (case studies, tele-conference interviews, questionnaires and surveys) and desk study research (textbooks and construction magazines) are the methods that will be adopted for the dissertation. This will be the most effective way in producing a well structured and detailed dissertation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nayar of India Essay -- Sociology, Horticulture, Hinduism

The Nayar live is a caste that is located in the India state of Kerala. They are considered to be horticulturalist which is non-mechanized and non-intensive form of plant cultivation. Although, they depend on plants they do hunt and collect wild food such as fruits and nuts. The Nayar can also be considered industrialists because they either own or have some type of involvement with the many industries. In this paper you will read about their Kinship, gender relations, beliefs and values. The Nayar group within India is very different people than anyone else in the world. They consist of many types of lineages and different spectrums of wealth. They are considered to be horticultures and some are considered to be industrialists. But their families are all made up of the same ancestors. The Nayar practice Hinduism and are matrilineal. When it comes to their family unit things begin to get a little strange. Their family unit consists of brothers, sisters, and latter children. Within the old and aristocratic families sometimes the households would consist of fifty to eighty people all the way up to two hundred people. The Nayars undivided family may live under the same roof but the males have to occupy other rooms separate from the females. But if a particular family is considered to be rich the males may live within a neighboring compound. The Muttam is a closed piece of ground that is located in front of the families’ house (Panikkar, 1918). Sometimes this piece of land is used as an ornamental garden and no men are allowed to step foot on this particular piece of ground. Even though the men are not allowed on that piece of ground the children are allowed to play in it during the day but by night the females perform their da... ... railway also brought coconuts and pepper for export as well as the cashew which was the first introduced by the Portuguese and became a very important cash crop. Rice among other imports has become greatly needed from Europe. Since all the new trade the larger villages have started selling of British or American toilet articles, glass, metal ware and other goods (Gough, 1952). The Nayars have a generation type system of kinship. So they can organize by sex, age and gender which are the most important principals. Although they quite frequently over turn their lineage affiliations so they can perform rituals. So as you can see the Nayars are an odd group but rather interesting. They have rituals that they follow and adhere to in their daily lives. The Nayar also do rituals and traditions that we as Americans would not even think about doing in our own lives.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sassoon vs Brooke

One, views on war were vastly different amongst the population. The soldiers on the front line saw the world through deferent eyes compared to the people at home. Some attitudes were based on experience and pain, whilst others on the Idea of patriotism and blind belief. ! They, by Serried Swanson, is a simple and direct poem decrying the righteous establishment sending men to die in a so-called noble cause. Caisson's bitterness against the war is made clear through his poetry, which is filled with his resentment against war, the futility of it and the high price that had to be paid.Swanson uses many different ways to convey his feelings, and particularly his bitterness and resentment towards the war and the officers, but his true meanings are clear and he writes In such a way that shows clearly what he thinks and feels about the war.! The Bishop represents the pompous flag waiving establishment without a clue to the horrors of the battlefield. â€Å"They† are â€Å"the boysâ €  at the front. The term â€Å"they will not be the same† Is Ironic and true. There Is the Inference that the boys will transcendInto some grace-Like state for having fought and sacrificed â€Å"In a Just cause. † Swanson knew the boys, those who survived, who would return home changed for far darker and haunting reasons. The elites running the war thought nothing of sending troops to their deaths back and forth. The sentiment sold to the populace back home was that it was the â€Å"Just cause† and it was a noble thing to â€Å"have challenged death† resulting in â€Å"new right to breed an honorable race. â€Å"! The second stanza however is Caisson's blunt and harsh retort of reality. It is a brief roll call of injury and disease.Syphilis ran rampant among the boys engaging random relationships and Swanson employs this as Illustration in mocking the Bishop as the disease Is hardly a righteous or noble means of death. The voices against the war cry out â€Å"You'll not find a chap who's served that hasn't found some change†, and not In a good way. The final line exposes the hypocrisy. â€Å"The ways of God are strange† is the blind ignorance of the excuses. ‘ Rupert Brooke also wrote about war but in a much different light. He has a very positive outlook on war and a very strong patriotic love of England.In fact in The Soldier he praises the wonderful land of England (gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of England's breathing English air'). In contrast with Swanson, Brooke adopts a natural positive attitude: â€Å"think only of me as this: That there's some corner of a foreign field. † as a man who accepts that his survival is not guaranteed and death In defending his country would make him complete. ! The language used reflects his feelings. He only ever uses one negative word, â€Å"evil†, and even this Is used in the context of being â€Å"shed away†.It is almo st an ode to England itself: â€Å"In that rich image-evoking language (â€Å"her flowers to love, her ways to roam. â€Å") ! The poem is a sonnet which is a style traditionally used by people writing love poetry. In this case Brooke is using the sonnet form to express his love for his country. The break of thought allows the reader to have time to think about the poet's words and absorb them in. The writer moves from one scene he is describing, England being a trial creation of beauty (â€Å"her flowers to love, her lands to roam†), on to England being alive, personifying England (â€Å"A pulse in the eternal mind†).Yet there is a continuing presence of the importance and power of England, and this is shown by the use of words such as â€Å"richer†, â€Å"blest by sun† and â€Å"English Heaven†. The form, structure and choice of language all work together. ! Brook's poems have been associated with the idealistic attitudes prevalent in the year s leading up to 1914 and the outbreak of war; in this sense, his poetry is actually re-war, unlike Caisson's verse, which is during the war, and speaks less of ideals and more of realism. However, war is a common thread for all writers to use. As Swanson pointed out, there will always be war, and as long as there is war there will be someone to write about it. Poets express their protest or support through their writing. War poetry can also be a form of propaganda. Caisson's was traditional propaganda opposing war; while Brook's was a positive form of propaganda. Each man had very strong opinions based on their own personal experience.!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Swot Analysis Mcdonalds

Running Head: MARKETING SWOT Analysis Answer 1. The company so selected for the sake of carrying upon SWOT Analysis is McDonalds. The company is found to run its food outlets all around the globe. It basically deals in fast-foods. The customers serve to be the main aspect for the company. It used to collect feedback from the customers on a regular basis. The SWOT Analysis is the tool that is used from the point of developing pertinent knowledge about company’s position in the market. From this, it can improve the weak areas and can strengthen the strong aspects more and more. The information regarding company’s SWOT Analysis can be derived from Company’s website, annual reports, books, articles and journals. All these prove to be effective from the point of developing knowledge about its strength, weakness, threats and opportunities (McDonald’s Corporation: The Past, Present, and Future, n. d. ). The strength of the company is that it is operating in accordance with various cultures. It serves to be a socially responsible company and actively work for community’s betterment. It is also placed on a great position under Fortune ranking list. The weaknesses linked with the company are that it failed to move towards pizza market. In addition to this, it needs to capitalize on the trend towards organic foods as well. The changing preferences of the customers also pose a problem in front of the company. The company understands customer’s value in business and that is why asking them regularly for more improvements. The health of the customers is taken into account with due effect and this makes it high (McDonalds, 2011). It serves to be the opportunities for the company. The threats are that the company faces intense competition and this makes things impossible. At the same time, it is also important to see to it that all these things need to be considered from the point of indentifying company’s actual position. The SWOT Analysis related to the company can be easily found out. But it seems to be very much general in approach. The point is to derive best possible information. The data and all other relevant information are not available easily while writing up SWOT Analysis for a company (Meldrum & McDonald, 007). Answer 2. The SWOT Analysis is being conducted by taking information from books, company’s website, articles etc. All these altogether supports a lot in making things carried upon effectively. The information is being collectively taken from all these sources. The best possible information can be derived from books and articles. Actually, things are quite understandable and comprehensible. With this, it becomes quite easy to u nderstand importance of things in a far better mode. The steps that are being adopted for checking as to information are valid or reliable or not. It is important to arrive at a better conclusion with the help of accumulating information from the authentic sources. The sources so utilized need to be effective and valuable so that interpretations can also be made properly and successfully. In addition to this, SWOT Analysis can be performed and carried out effectively as well (Our Company, 2011). Answer 3. The manager of the company is required to carry upon strategic decisions on the basis of company’s position. The SWOT Analysis so carried upon leads to make things effective and successful in approach. The information so derived online seems to be somewhat ineffective in approach. It would be better to go for developing more knowledge from some better sources. With this, it is for sure that decision-making can be made effective and good in approach. The situations need to be analyzed with due effect as well. It would make manager confident as well as self-assured from the point of carrying upon business practices in a far better way. The other relevant sources that can be used for the sake of completing SWOT analysis for the company are that proper studies and company’s previous records need to be examined and investigated with due respect. It would lead to make things effective and appropriate for the company as well (McDonalds Corporation, n. d. ). References McDonald’s Corporation: The Past, Present, and Future. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 15, 2011, from http://2myprofessor. com/Common/Sample%20Projects/McDonald%27s_Corporation. PDF McDonalds. (2011). Retrieved March 15, 2011, from http://www. mcdonalds. com/us/en/home. html McDonalds Corporation. (n. d. ). Swot Analysis Mcdonalds Running Head: MARKETING SWOT Analysis Answer 1. The company so selected for the sake of carrying upon SWOT Analysis is McDonalds. The company is found to run its food outlets all around the globe. It basically deals in fast-foods. The customers serve to be the main aspect for the company. It used to collect feedback from the customers on a regular basis. The SWOT Analysis is the tool that is used from the point of developing pertinent knowledge about company’s position in the market. From this, it can improve the weak areas and can strengthen the strong aspects more and more. The information regarding company’s SWOT Analysis can be derived from Company’s website, annual reports, books, articles and journals. All these prove to be effective from the point of developing knowledge about its strength, weakness, threats and opportunities (McDonald’s Corporation: The Past, Present, and Future, n. d. ). The strength of the company is that it is operating in accordance with various cultures. It serves to be a socially responsible company and actively work for community’s betterment. It is also placed on a great position under Fortune ranking list. The weaknesses linked with the company are that it failed to move towards pizza market. In addition to this, it needs to capitalize on the trend towards organic foods as well. The changing preferences of the customers also pose a problem in front of the company. The company understands customer’s value in business and that is why asking them regularly for more improvements. The health of the customers is taken into account with due effect and this makes it high (McDonalds, 2011). It serves to be the opportunities for the company. The threats are that the company faces intense competition and this makes things impossible. At the same time, it is also important to see to it that all these things need to be considered from the point of indentifying company’s actual position. The SWOT Analysis related to the company can be easily found out. But it seems to be very much general in approach. The point is to derive best possible information. The data and all other relevant information are not available easily while writing up SWOT Analysis for a company (Meldrum & McDonald, 007). Answer 2. The SWOT Analysis is being conducted by taking information from books, company’s website, articles etc. All these altogether supports a lot in making things carried upon effectively. The information is being collectively taken from all these sources. The best possible information can be derived from books and articles. Actually, things are quite understandable and comprehensible. With this, it becomes quite easy to u nderstand importance of things in a far better mode. The steps that are being adopted for checking as to information are valid or reliable or not. It is important to arrive at a better conclusion with the help of accumulating information from the authentic sources. The sources so utilized need to be effective and valuable so that interpretations can also be made properly and successfully. In addition to this, SWOT Analysis can be performed and carried out effectively as well (Our Company, 2011). Answer 3. The manager of the company is required to carry upon strategic decisions on the basis of company’s position. The SWOT Analysis so carried upon leads to make things effective and successful in approach. The information so derived online seems to be somewhat ineffective in approach. It would be better to go for developing more knowledge from some better sources. With this, it is for sure that decision-making can be made effective and good in approach. The situations need to be analyzed with due effect as well. It would make manager confident as well as self-assured from the point of carrying upon business practices in a far better way. The other relevant sources that can be used for the sake of completing SWOT analysis for the company are that proper studies and company’s previous records need to be examined and investigated with due respect. It would lead to make things effective and appropriate for the company as well (McDonalds Corporation, n. d. ). References McDonald’s Corporation: The Past, Present, and Future. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 15, 2011, from http://2myprofessor. com/Common/Sample%20Projects/McDonald%27s_Corporation. PDF McDonalds. (2011). Retrieved March 15, 2011, from http://www. mcdonalds. com/us/en/home. html McDonalds Corporation. (n. d. ).

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

death of Ivan Ilynch1 essays

death of Ivan Ilynch1 essays The Death of Ivan Ilych The Death of Ivan Ilych tells the story of a man on his deathbed realizing that the majority of the things hes done throughout his life was for social acceptance. Concerned only with the thoughts of other people, his own ideas and thoughts were dismissed from importance when it came to self-image. On his deathbed he realizes that In public opinion I was moving uphill, but to the same extent life was slipping away from me. And now its gone and all I can do is die. Ivan found money and work to be the root of all happiness. One of the reasons why Ivan values work and money so much is because these to aspects were escapes from his artificial married life he was leading. For once in his life Ivan had a chance to escape all the worries involved with his work life and go to the country to live with his brother-in law, immediately after getting there Ivan felt bored and decided to go to Petersburg to punish those people who had failed to appreciate him by trying to get transferred to another ministry with larger pay. In this move he felt that his colleagues owed him something for all those years of so called friendships. Despite them he and his family he does find a new job paying 5000 rubles. As soon as his wife finds out their married life becomes the best its ever been since the first year. This is the perfect example of how they found happiness in money. While on his deathbed Ivan only wants to be pitied by people and the only one that pities him from the beginning is Gerasim. Ivan has a whole new respect for Gerasim when at the beginning of his death Gerasim says We all have to die someday so why shouldnt I help you(104). It is these words that started Ivans abstract thinking of lifes real meanings and treasures. Ivan knew that Gerasim was helping him because he would want the same for himself ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Buyer Behaviour and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Buyer Behaviour and Analysis - Essay Example Consumers believe that a good brand name symbolizes high quality. The purpose of this study is to identify the reasons behind the adherence of consumers towards products that have a high brand image. Developing a good brand image is every firm’s objective. It helps to gain superior advantage over other firm in the industry and leads to generating higher sales. In order to develop brand image it is essential that the product is of high quality and meets customer requirements correctly. In respect of consumer behaviour, it is seen that consumers are largely driven towards purchasing those products that have a good brand image. High brand image indicate better quality products which helps attracting greater number of consumers. In case of high end products, brand image is also associated with luxury and greater social impact. A healthy brand image is therefore seen to influence consumer behaviour in a positive way (Nandan, 2005). The market for a single product can be flooded with numerous brands. It becomes difficult for consumers to decide which one is of the best quality. Instead of wasting time analyzing each brand, they are motivated to buy those products that already have a good reputation in the market. Consumers believe that quality and reputation go hand in hand. When consumers purchase a product that has a high brand image they automatically develop a trust upon the brand and view it to be of high quality (Jamal and Goode, 2001). Many consumers feel an increased level of satisfaction when they use a product that has high brand image. Brands are seen to infuse certain emotions and actions upon the behaviour of consumers. Such cognitive and virtual attributes of brand image drives consumer’s into purchasing specific products. It is seen that when an individual wears a branded watch, they experience a higher level of satisfaction although there is technically not much of a difference between a branded watch and an

Saturday, November 2, 2019

New Balance Developing an Integrated CSR Strategy Essay

New Balance Developing an Integrated CSR Strategy - Essay Example The assessment was done based on the Corporate Citizenship Management Framework (CCMF). Four dimensions of CCMF Figure 1: Four Dimensions of CCMF (Source: Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship. â€Å"Corporate Citizenship Management Framework†) Overall Governance Strength Weakness History, Values and Integrity Vision and mission: CSR was the central theme of the company’s mission and vision. Impressive CSR initiatives. Transparency, accountability, domestic manufacturing and employee support. Lack of guidance to the managers Lack of linkage between the CSR goals and core business strategy. Improper communication with the society. The initiatives were not aligned and connected properly and lack evaluation by the management. Product and services Strength Weakness Product New Balance eliminated use of polyvinyl chloride from the footwear. Implementation of Green shoe store. Apparel division faced higher business growth pressures, environmental and social challeng es. Lack of system for assessing the life-cycle impact of products. Lack of education in the design team related to the environmentally preferred product. Unsuccessful in developing partnership. Operations Strengths Weakness Integration of CSR with operation. Initiatives in term of clear business value, increased productivity and reduced cost. Achievement of compliance with European Union REACH regulation. Partnering with British Leather Group. Reduction in volatile organic compound. Waste reduction, implementation of coaching program, green cleaners in US, enhancement in energy efficiency. Apparel, accessories and promotional items poses rick. Gap between CSR management in domestic operations and overseas supplier facilities. Lack of standards on short term contracts for hiring temporary workers. Community Support Strength Weakness Company’s intense belief in philanthropy. Volunteering by the employees Strong community support strategy. Awareness about programs and initiativ es. Strong system to measure returns on investment. Strategies involved with community are not aligned with the business strategy. Poor focus of community support strategy. Area of focus The areas of focus for the organization are as follows: The operational area especially the apparel and accessories section need to be more inclined to CSR. The education of the product developed team is necessary in order to design more environment friendly products. The overall governance should stress more on communication. Development of CSR strategy New Balance is strongly committed towards the corporate responsibility, which is recognized to be the main pillar of the value and mission on which the organization stands. This is also supported by the CEO, owner and other leaders of the organization. Moreover the company has a good deal of knowledge and experience. The company took several initiatives towards the CSR activities. The owners of the company were humble and were hesitant to talk about the social responsibility. This was the major reason that general public had very little information regarding the work of the company in this area. Moreover the executives of the company also need to evaluate the strategy from time to time. For this the company should implement proper communication of their CSR initiatives amongst the external and